Silent Killers: Unmasking a Large-Scale Legacy Driver Exploitation Campaign…
CPR uncovered a large-scale ongoing campaign involving thousands of first-stage malicious samples used to deploy an EDR/AV killer module in its initial stage. This module was first detected and recorded in June 2024. It was observed leveraging and exploiting more than 2,500 distinct variants of the legacy version 2.0.2 of the known vulnerable driver Truesight.sys, which is the RogueKiller Antirootkit Driver and part of Adlice’s product suite. This driver has a known vulnerability in versions below 3.4.0.
The attackers exploited the legacy version 2.0.2 of the Truesight driver to take advantage of a Windows policy loophole (Exception in Driver Signing Policy), allowing the driver to be loaded on the latest versions of Windows OS. Notably, the attackers specifically selected the 2.0.2 version because it retains the vulnerable code while also bypassing the latest Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist and common detection mechanisms, such as those introduced by the LOLDrivers project, none of which detect this version.
CPR reported this issue to MSRC, leading to an updated version of the Microsoft Vulnerable Driver Blocklist (available since December 17, 2024), effectively preventing all variants of the legacy driver exploited in this campaign.